Cookies are a very useful way to store small pieces of data on the client's machine which will be kept there even if the browser closed.
Quantum comes with simple `Cookie`
library which has all the ncessary methods that helps you to manage cookies.
By default, cookies are automatically encoded and decoded with base64_encode()
and base64_decode()
functions, but you are free to use more advanced encryption/decription functions instead.
Note* that the sensitive data should not be stored in cookies.
Retrieving cookie data by given key
$data = Cookie::get($key);
Retrieving all cookie data
$data = Cookie::all();
Checking if cookie contains data with given key, which returns true
or false
Storing data in the cookie. Check all the arguments in the PHP documentation setcookie section.
Cookie::set($key, $value = '', $time = 0, $path = '/', $domain = '', $secure = FALSE, $httponly = FALSE);
Deleting data from cookie by given key
Cookie::delete($key, $path = '/');
Deleting whole cookie data